Wellness Centre


Our Cambridge Bay Department of Healthy Living's mission is to help people achieve their full potential to become independent, healthy and safe. We achieve this by delivering educational programs and counselling services that promote freedom from addiction and violence and encourage positive life style choices.


Our values provide the framework for who we are: We are here for our clients – every day, all day. We treat people with respect and dignity and are not judgmental. We honour confidentiality - people trust us and we trust them. We help in a positive way and do not dwell in the negative. We empower clients to be independent and healthy. We will help you find answers. We are committed to and believe in what we are doing. We value life, family, education and proactive approaches. We believe in the Bathurst Mandate

Our Partners

  • Aboriginal Healing Foundation Healing Programs
  • Nunavut Arctic College
  • Department of Culture and Heritage
  • Cambridge Bay Childcare Society
  • Department of Education Healthy Children’s Initiative
  • Department of Justice Corrections Probations
  • RCMP Justice Committee
  • Elders Society
  • Hamlet Council - Wellness Committee
  • Family Services
  • Family Violence Prevention Program
  • Alcohol and Drug Program
  • Health Canada
  • CAPC Community Action Plan for Children
  • CPNP Canada Pre-Natal Nutrition Program
  • Kitikmeot Inuit Association
  • Brighter Futures
  • Building Healthy Communities
  • Kitikmeot Heritage Society
  • Schools
  • Public Health Agency of Canada

Wellness Programs

  • Alcohol addiction counseling
  • Drug addiction counseling
  • Gambling addiction counseling
  • Family violence victims
  • Alcoholics Anonymous Program
  • Pre and Post Natal Mothers
  • Pre and Post Natal Women's Group
  • Cooking classes
  • Nutrition education
  • Children up to age six
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Story time
  • Moms and Tots
  • Income Support
  • Food Bank
  • Referrals to and from other agencies
  • Support to Elders Center and Elders
  • Support for Justice Committee
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Couples counseling
  • Healing Programs (Men and Women)
  • Women's support group
  • Advocate on behalf of clients
  • On the land programs

Wellness Program Contacts:


Family Violence Prevention Program

The Family Violence Prevention Program aims to reduce the occurrence of violence in through counseling, education, and community outreach. We offer support to victims of family violence and abuse.

What is Family Violence?

  • Domestic violence, also known as domestic abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse or intimate partner violence (IPV), can be broadly defined as a pattern of abusive behaviours by one or both partners in an intimate relationship such as marriage, dating, family, friends or cohabitation. ...
  • Any form of maltreatment of another family member.
  • Conduct (whether actual or threatened) by a person towards a family member, or property of a family member, that causes reasonable fear (or reasonable apprehension) for his/her personal wellbeing or safety.
  •  Includes child maltreatment, neglect and abuse, intimate partner violence, sibling violence, elder abuse and mistreatment.
  • Domestic abuse or child abuse, including physical or emotional harm

Violence is not power, but the absence of power.

What can Family Violence Prevention Program do for you?

  • Safe Shelter for Women/Children and Transportation to shelter
  • Help in obtaining an Emergency Protection Order (EPO) or similar
  • Information about domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse
  • Telephone Support
  • Counselling Support
  • Programs and Workshops
  • Access to other resources like:
  • Housing
  • Social Services
  • Alcohol and Drug Treatment
  • Medical treatment
  • Legal Services

FVPP Brochure     Safety From Family Violence Information Sheet     Shelter Poster

Family violence contacts:

Vacant Position                                   867-983-4660         fvpp@cambridgebay.ca                                                              


Resolution Health Support Program

  • Provides mental health and emotional services to eligible former residential school students and their families.
  • Support is available before, during and after participation in the Settlement Agreement, including Common Experience Payment (CEP), the Independent Assessment Process (IAP), the Truth & Reconciliation Process (TRC) and Commemoration activities.
  • Resolution health support services are safe, confidential, respectful and non-judgmental.

Our Services:

Emotional Support:

  • Resolution Health Support Workers will listen, talk and help former students and their families understand their experiences in residential school in a safe manner.
  • Provide guidance through all the phases of the Settlement Agreement.

Cultural Support:

  • Cultural support is provided by elders and/or traditional healers.
  • A cultural support worker will help former students and their families talk about issues related to residential school.
  • Specific services are determined by the needs of the individual and could include talking, prayer, traditional healing and performing ceremonies.

Professional Support:

  • Professional counsellors are psychologists and other mental health professionals that are registered with Health Canada.
  • A professional counsellor will listen, talk and assist former students to find ways of healing from residential school experiences.

For Assistance or more information:

  • Elizabeth Kaosoni, Resolution Health Support  (867) 983-4670  ext: 282 or rhsw1@cambridgebay.ca 
  • Cambridge Bay Department of Healthy Living  (867) 983-4670
  • Health Canada Northern Region                     800-464-8106

24 hour crisis line:                           866-925-4419


Programs for Children

Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program (CPNP)

  • CPNP is for pregnant, breastfeeding or have infants up to one year old. This includes parents who adopted babies less than one year old.
  • CPNP’s goal is to improve the health of mothers and infants!!
  • CPNP’s aim for Healthy babies at birth, babies are breastfed and babies eat healthy solid foods by age 6 months.
  • Through CPNP, you can have access to enough healthy food to nourish the baby growing inside, learn more about how healthy eating and physical activity help both mother and baby, learn to improve the way they shop for food and how they cook, choose to breastfeed their babies for the best start in life, breastfeed longer, learn how to start their babies on the right food, at the right times.

Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)

  • CAPC is for parents/guardians and caregivers with children from age 0 to 6 years old.
  • CAPC’s goal is to continually promote health, wellness and education. The program works towards building a community awareness of the importance of child development, life skills and happiness.
  • CAPC’s aim is kindergarten readiness, to reduce isolation and to improve communication and behavioural skills.  


Activities Schedule

CPAC (fall and winter only) 

Kids R First:  Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 10am - 11:30am. Tuesdays and Wednesdays: #6 Kamotik Rd. Fridays: At the Community Hall.

CPNP (year round)

Prenatal/Postnatal Cooking Class: Every Tuesday at the Wellness Centre. 2pm - 4pm.

Circle of Support Group: Every Wednesday at #6 Kamotik Rd. 1:30pm - 3:30pm

Note: Co-op Taxi vouchers are available for those who attend the meetings. They are given out on arrival and/or leaving the meetings. 


For more information on CPNP, contact:

Portia Oduro, CPNP Coordinator  (867) 983-4670 or cpnp1@cambridgebay.ca