Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Albert Okhina | Foreman | (867) 983-4650 |
Dispatcher | Water/Sewage Dispatch | (867) 983-2186 |
Rick Lauer | Facility Operator/Janitor | (867) 983-4650 |
Rick Webster | Certified Tradesperson | |
Tommy Evetalegak | Building Maintainer |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Alice Lafrance | Human Resources Manager | (867) 983-4657 |
Eva Greenley | Receptionist | (867) 983-4650 |
Jim MacEachern | Chief Administrative Officer | (867) 983-4650 |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Amina Atchia | Dept of Healthy Living Senior Finance Officer | (867) 983-4654 |
Solomon Bucknor | Director of Healthy Living | (867) 983-4674 |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Angela Gerbrandt | Economic Development Officer | 867-983-4650 |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Cathryn Epp | Senior Finance Officer | (867) 983-4662 |
Mosharef Hossain | Director of Finance | (867) 983-4655 |
Vacant | Finance - Accounts Payable | (867) 983-4663 |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Dave Taylor | Community Constable | (867) 983-4656 |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Laurel Bennett | Planning & Lands Administrator | (867) 983-4650 |
Name![]() |
Title | Phone |
Tracy Okhina | Recreation Coordinator & Cultural Support | (867) 983-4670 |
Vacant | Recreation Manager | (867) 983-4670 |